I once worked with a client named Lissa – a yoga teacher, personal trainer, and life coach. She came to me wanting to do an overhaul of her About page.
Here’s what her About page looked like when she came to me:
Lissa is a Professional Certified Health and Wellness Coach that inspires and encourages clients to move through each day in a mindful way. She provides knowledge, experience and guidance for you to create a present and proactive way of living with every life transition. Life transitions can be great, small; positive and not-so-positive.
Lissa is fiercely in-love with human-ness. She loves people and arrives with empathy for each and every one. She believes each person to be uniquely amazing and limitless to achieve the life they truly desire. She will coach you to design, develop and live your glorious life.
Lissa has experience with the journey of cancer and continues to flourish with a thyroid disorder. She knows the power of getting smart, knowing your mind, body and spirit and creating a quiet, safe place to absorb it all. She displays a quiet calm confidence that any life-hurdle can be overcome.
Lissa is a wife, bonus-mom and pack leader. She has walked through re-integration as a military spouse of a deployed airman; worked diligently in a blended family; and always found a dog or two to save and love.
There was a lot that was working about her About page. The problem was, it was about her. But for an About page to be truly effective, a visitor doesn’t want to see you in your About page, they want to see themselves. They want to see how they fit into the story being told.
Lissa’s page communicated a lot about her, but it wasn’t communicating the deepest truth of how and why she works with people.
After working closely with Lissa and unpacking her own words around how she best helps people, some common themes began to emerge: she specializes in human-ness, and she is best equipped to help people in a point of transition.
The new About page read like this:
Wife, bonus-mom, pack leader. Cancer survivor. Military spouse.
I know a bit about transitions.
In my own life, I’ve found the power of getting smart and knowing your mind, body and spirit. Of creating a safe, quiet space to absorb whatever comes your way.
For me that’s meant working diligently in a blended family, walking through reintegration as the wife of a deployed airman, flourishing with a thyroid disorder in addition to kicking breast cancer to the curb… and always finding a dog or two to save and love.
What transitions and life-hurdles are you facing? Whatever they are, I’ll meet you where you are with knowledge, experience and guidance to create a present and proactive way of living.
Not only are these new words a fuller and deeper expression of who Lissa really is, but they’re framed in a way that the right client immediately sees their own story there as well. Someone going through a time of transition, of any kind, knows in their heart that Lissa can help.
Once I reworked Lissa’s About page messaging, we agreed she needed some truly resonant landing page messaging as well. Here’s what I crafted for her:
I specialize in Transitions
Transitions are everywhere.
Transitions you choose, and those you don’t. Transitions that are great, and those that are not-so-great. Transitions that you are urged by your heart, mind, or body to make, but that you don’t always know how to make.
Transitions are required for moving forward. Any life-hurdle can be overcome.
We’ll work through your life transitions together to achieve abundant results.
You are transitioning and you are magnificent.
I specialize in Human-ness
You say, “I’m only human.”
But being human is pretty spectacular if you ask me.
Wouldn’t you like to grow to be appreciative of the human-ness that we all have? To live in that human-ness without letting it be a hurdle, a stumbling block, or an excuse to live some lesser-than life?
I’ll teach you how to be open to what’s possible in your human-ness. To appreciate that it’s part of you. To flourish within it, because of it.
Learn not to use being human as your excuse for why not, but to let it be your reason why. Discover how to live an amazing, abundant life – a life that is not only human, but abundantly human.
You are human and you are magnificent.
I specialize in You
You are uniquely amazing.
You are a unique collection of all your experiences. Your brain is as individual as your fingerprint. Your body is like no one else’s.
I will never consider your needs – physical, mental, emotional or spiritual – to be those of any other client. I am committed to truly learning you, and all the nuances that make you uniquely you.
Are you ready to be listened to and heard on the truest and most heart-felt level?
You are you and you are magnificent.
How can we rewrite your resonant story? Contact me today to find out!